Activities & Events

Tara mantra accumulation

Join the White Lotus sangha in reciting the Tara mantra to generate blessings for our search for an appropriate building!

All sessions (except Vajrakilaya) now:

July 2024


9:00 am  Open for Silent Meditation

10:00-11:30 am    Prayers, Dharma Talk, Meditation


Tuesdays: 7:00 pm 

7/2: Closed

7/09: White Tara practice   Zoom:

7/16: Vajrakilaya Practice – contact for a zoom link.

7/23: White Tara practice   Zoom:

7/30: Vajrakilaya Practice – contact for a zoom link. 

Thursday Night Study Group

7:00pm:  Buddhism, Its Breadth and Depth 

July 11, 18, 25

Led by Frank Howard, White Lotus Director and senior teacher.

Currently going through Instructions on the Six Bardos: A Guide to Samsara & Nirvana, A Commentary by Garchen Rinpoche

In person at White Lotus Buddhist Center, 815 Park Ave, Rochester NY 14607


YouTube livestream:


Special Programs

Summer Retreat with Drupon Palkyi

August 15-18, 2024


Also known as “cutting through the ego,” the practices of chöd are based on the Prajñāpāramitā or “Perfection of Wisdom” sutras, which expound the “emptiness” concept of Buddhist philosophy.

Drupon Palkyi

We welcome Drupon Palkyi as she embarks on her first North American Tour. Drupon Palkyi brings with her a wealth of spiritual wisdom and experience cultivated through years of dedicated practice and study. Originally from Tibet, she received her education and training as a retreat master at the esteemed Drikung Samtenling Nunnery in Dehradun, India.

Following her philosophy studies, Drupon Palkyi embarked on a traditional Three-Year-Retreat in 2008, immersing herself in the profound teachings of the Five-Fold Path of Mahamudra and the Six Yogas of Naropa. Her unwavering commitment to spiritual practice led her to the Drikung Garchen Institute in Munich, Germany, where she has been serving as a resident lama. There, she guides practitioners through teachings, group practices, and retreats, enriching the spiritual lives of countless individuals with her deep knowledge and compassionate guidance.

Here at White Lotus Buddhist Center, Drupon Palkyi will teach us the history and practice of Chöd.

Chöd means “to cut or cutting through.”

Chöd is a tantric meditation discipline based on the Prajñaparamita (Perfection of Wisdom Sutra) that is particularly effective in cutting through self-cherishing and emotional obscurations. The Perfection of Wisdom is realized by cutting the root of our emotional afflictions and fears, (kleshas) and further, the subtle roots of ignorance (jñanas).    

Our strongest attachment is to our body and in Chö we offer this cherished body to the hosts of demons (strong habitual negative mind habits) thereby freeing ourselves. It was routinely practiced outside the walls (of the monasteries), often in cemeteries or charnel grounds – places that would evoke one’s fears. By raising one’s deep fears we cut the root of their existence. 

 The Tibetan woman, Machig Labdron, was the progenitor of several chö lineages.  In her 41st year, as she meditated on retreat in a cave, the great Mother Tara appeared to her surrounded by a host of dakinis and gave detailed empowerments, blessings, and encouragement to Machig. Tara told her, “In previous lives you have studied and mastered the meaning of the scriptures of sutra and tantra . . . You are a mind emanation of the Great Mother Yum Chenmo: we are inseparable. You are the wisdom dakini, the sovereign of the great expanse [vajradhatu] and the source of liberation of all phenomena. Don’t lose heart. Keep your determination.”

So great was her renown that Indian gurus travelled to Tibet to take teachings from her. Chöd is practiced by singing haunting melodies together with the ringing of a dharma bell and a large, hand-held, two sided drum (damara). The beauty of the melody and bell and damaru enhances its power.


Retreat will be held at White Lotus Buddhist Center, 815 Park Ave, Rochester New York. It begins on Thursday, August 15th and runs through Sunday, August 18th. Two sessions each day: 9:30-12:30 and 2:00-5:00.

Registration is by sliding scale donation:

Please choose an amount that’s comfortable for your budget between $195-$295 (or, $55-$75 per day – please include a note stating which day/s you plan to attend). Thank you! 

You can register by donating at this Donation Button below, drop a check in the Donation box at the Center, or mail your check to: White Lotus Buddhist Center, PO Box 10384, Rochester, NY 14610. 

In addition, bells and the large chöd drums (damarus) will be available for purchase in the White Lotus Store and some instruction will be given.