Activities & Events
Tara mantra accumulation
Join the White Lotus sangha in reciting the Tara mantra to generate blessings for our search for an appropriate building!
All sessions (except Vajrakilaya) now:
September 2024
9:00 am Open for Silent Meditation
10:00-11:30 am Prayers, Dharma Talk, Meditation
Tuesdays: 7:00 pm
9/03: Vajrakilaya Practice – contact for a zoom link.
9/10: White Tara practice Zoom:
9/17: Vajrakilaya Practice – contact for a zoom link.
9/24: White Tara practice Zoom:
Thursday Night Study Group
7:00pm: Buddhism, Its Breadth and Depth
September 5, 12, 19, 27
Led by Frank Howard, White Lotus Director and senior teacher.
Teaching and discussion will focus on the topic of Tantra and Bhumis.
In person at White Lotus Buddhist Center, 815 Park Ave, Rochester NY 14607
YouTube livestream:
Special Programs
Annual Vajrakilaya Drubpa (Retreat)
October 17-21, 2024
Vajrakilaya, the wrathful emanation of Vajrasattva, is known as the Swift Destroyer who dispels obstacles to the flourishing of Dharma and the development of authentic realization in practitioners. He embodies the enlightened activity of all the Buddhas, and his practice is famous for destroying the forces hostile to compassion especially in this difficult era.
With . . .
Ven Khenpo Konchog Molam
Khenpo Molam, completed the rigorous nine-year curriculum at Kagyu College gaining confidence in the Buddhist view through study and debate. In 2009 he was awarded the title of Khenpo and began visiting dharma centers around the world to share his immense Dharma knowledge.
Since early 2017 Khenpo has been a Lama in residence at White Lotus and teaches to our sangha regularly with authority and wit.
Ven Lama Dawa Zangmo (Zhuravka)
Lama Dawa Zangmo completed four years of solitary retreat under the direction of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche in Arizona – after which Garchen Rinpoche named her a Lama and asked her to teach to his sangha. She is the head of his sangha in Ukraine and resides in Toronto. Lama Dawa (or Zhuravka as many students know her by), teaches in English, is very approachable, uses discussion and Q & A in her teaching and knows the Western “pitfalls” of practice very well.
Retreat will be held at White Lotus Buddhist Center, 815 Park Ave, Rochester New York. It begins on Thursday, October 17th at 2:00 pm and runs through Monday, October 21 at noon.
Two sessions each day Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 9:30-12:30 and 2:00-5:00.
Registration is by sliding scale donation:
Please choose an amount that’s comfortable for your budget between $165-$225 (or, $85-$95 per day – please include a note stating which day/s you plan to attend). Thank you!
You can register by donating at this Donation Button below, drop a check in the Donation box at the Center, or mail your check to: White Lotus Buddhist Center, PO Box 10384, Rochester, NY 14610.